With rain often comes a sense of hope for replenishing water supplies, and with the recent record rainfall in the UK many are wondering whether this will have an impact on watering restrictions. In December, the UK say record rainfall and the highest river levels ever seen in England as a result of that rain.
The succession of storms running through the north of England actually did very little to replenish diminishing water supplies. In the areas that received the majority of rainfall water is primarily drawn from rivers and reservoirs. It’s the south where water supplies are drawn mainly from underground aquifers and where rainfall is desperately needed most. According to the CEH just a few short months without substantial rainfall may cause water tensions.
As we read this story, and many others about water restrictions across the world, we can’t help but think about the impact on the landscape and how we can help. At GrassBGreen our primary service is helping individuals keep their properties looking fresh and green, despite water restrictions. Our products help you to operate within the restrictions and still have a lush beautiful property.
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