It is important to quickly identify disease that could be causing harmful damage to your lawn. It can take a lot of effort to maintain a healthy playable turf, but the satisfaction of beautiful green lawn is worth it. If you understand what it takes to maintain a golf course, or an athletic field, you understand that you need to protect your investment. So it is important to act quickly when your sea of green turf is riddled with ugly brown patches.
Whether the solution is to reduce watering schedules or to apply a specified fertilizer lawn paint can be applied to damaged grass. As repairs are being made, turf dye can preserve a continuos green throughout your lawn..
Brown Patch
- Brown Spot Damage
- Brown Spot Damage
- Spot Repair with GrassBGreen
- Brown patch is a quick spreading disease that strikes most during the warmer months, and when it is most humid.
- It is a fungal infestation, Rhizoctonia that causes “brown grass” circular patterns that often look “sunken”. Grass also may resemble hay.
- The damage is most apparent when the grass is wet.
- Over fertilization or watering can make grasses more prone to the disease.
Snow Mold
- Snow Mold
- Snow Mold
- Spot Repair With GrassBGreen
- Snow mold is a fungus, Fusarium patch or Typhula blight, that attacks turf grasses after the snow melts, late winter or early spring.
- This fungal damage will create concentrated pink or grey circles in the diseased lawn.
- The disease favors longer, or snowy winters which is ideal climate for the mold pathogen.
- Rust Mold
- Rust Mold
- Spot Repair With GrassBGreen
- As implies in the name, this common lawn disease will create dark orange, or rust spots in your lawn.
- Rust develops most in soil that needs proper fertilization, and thrives in the later summer temperatures.
- The disease is identified by removing a couple of blades and rubbing them between your hands. If the grass is diseased than only orange-colored blades and a white powdery substance will be left.
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